Selling your Vehicle on Consignment in Oswego IL

Selling your Vehicle on Consignment in Oswego IL
Most people understand how a traditional consignment works. You drop off whatever you want to sell at the consignment store, whether it’s furniture, a book, or an old piece of jewelry, and let the consignment shop do all of the work. Once your item sells, you receive a check equal to the sale price of your item; less the fees you pay to the consignment store.
Recently, a growing trend towards auto consignment has emerged, based on the same simple model. The hassles of private car sales make vehicle consignment well worth considering, but as you might guess, having someone sell your used car is a lot different from having someone sell your old books. To professionally market a higher priced item like a car, requires significant prep work, product knowledge, and skills to facilitate negotiations, the ability to meet buyers’ needs for financing and service contracts, and a variety of other factors that complicate the sale process.
So, with all that said, how exactly does vehicle consignment work? Upon consignment of your motorcycle, car, truck, SUV, or RV, your vehicle is inspected. If necessary, a list of any repairs or cosmetic work to improve its value will be suggested to the seller. A market value analysis of your vehicle is completed, and a recommendation of an asking price is made.
Properly marketing your vehicle is critical to selling it quickly and at the right price. Auto consignment dealerships should have a professional customer service team that will meet all of your demands. Some auto consignment dealers will photograph and list your car on Craigslist,,, and other favorite websites that are frequented by car buyers. Some consignment dealers will offer to clean and detail services to get your vehicle showroom-ready before photographed and marketed to potential buyers.
Perhaps the biggest benefit of vehicle consignment dealers is that they handle the actual sale transaction. they usually handle all test drives, buyer inquiries, and DMV paperwork. These essential pieces to private party car sales can require a great deal of your time, and are best left to experienced consignors. Most dealerships will manage buyer negotiations, a valuable service that can be a tremendous comfort to buyers and sellers alike, as negotiating with strangers can be difficult. While some put buyers in direct contact with sellers, others act as a buffer between the two parties, making the transaction anonymous to both sides. The safest and process for the buyer and seller is to allow the consignment dealership to handle all negotiations, payment processing, and DMV paperwork.
Safety is a key concern in private party car sales, and consignment dealers protect sellers and buyers alike. Auto Consignment offers an attractive option for vehicle owners who would like to get more money for their car than the dealer trade-in price, as the vehicle will be marketed professionally without the traditional hassle and frustration of trying to sell it yourself.
Give us a call today, so we can give you more information about our vehicle consignment services!
AutoSmart, Inc.
39E Stone Hill Rd.
Oswego, IL 60543